What is Hoodia gordonii?Hoodia gordonii, "Whoo De AH", is the botanical name for a leafless, spiky succulent plant that grows throughout the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa primarily the Kalahari desert. The San (local inhabitants) have rationally used Hoodia stems to stave off hunger and thirst when on long journeys, as it acts as an appetite suppressant. Hoodia (or Hoodia Gordonii) is a South African dwelling plant that the San bushman have used to help endure long hunting expeditiions for generations. Hoodia Gordonii is actually a succulent not to be confused with a cactus. It belongs in the succulent family of Asclepiadaceae along with stapelia, stephanotis and vinca. There are approximately 20 species in the genus of Asclepiadaceae. As it grows it forms stemmed clumps approximately one foot high and bears, pale purple saucer-shaped flowers in shades of red or purple brown.
Hoodia products testimonialsHooray for Hoodia! I lost 5 lbs in eleven days. Three family members including myself have learnt a great deal about Hoodia. It appears that the San tribe did not reveal all, especially the benefits for men, if you know what I mean - S.A - (USA)
Hoodia drugs conjunctionHoodia was eaten as a fresh food by the San tribe for thousands of years with zero side effects. There are no known adverse side effects as a result of taking Hoodia in conjunction with prescription medications and other herbal supplements. However, if you are presently using any prescription medication and are under the care of a physician, you should always consult your physician before taking any supplement medication. Hoodia Gordonii is famous for its effects as an appetite suppressant and mood enhancer. Excellent results have been reported from people using it as part of a weight loss program, leading to many international companies making and selling Hoodia as a "new miracle diet pill". ow long Hoodia take to work? With-in one hour after taking 2 capsules, Hoodia will suppress your appetite for around 4-8 hours.